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Comparative analysis of e-waste recycling among South East Asian countries

E-Waste Recycling in Southeast Asia: A Closer Look

As we navigate the digital age, e-waste management becomes an increasingly pressing concern. Let's dive into the state of e-waste recycling in Southeast Asian countries. Singapore: Singapore leads the region with an impressive e-waste recycling rate of approximately 6.5 kg per capita. The NEA (National Environment Agency) has been actively promoting e-waste recycling. Malaysia: Malaysia has also made strides in e-waste recycling, with a growing number of collection points and initiatives. The country recycled about 7% of its e-waste in 2020, according to the Ministry of Environment and Water. Thailand: In Thailand, e-waste recycling is a growing concern. The country generated over 670,000 tons of e-waste in 2020, with only about 2% being recycled (UNU, 2020). Vietnam: Vietnam is working on improving its e-waste recycling infrastructure. As of 2019, the country recycled less than 1% of its e-waste (Global E-Waste Monitor). Indonesia: Indonesia faces challenges in managing e-waste due to its large population and limited recycling infrastructure. Less than 1% of e-waste is recycled, according to a 2019 report by the Global E-Waste Monitor. It's evident that there's a significant variance in e-waste recycling rates across the region. While some countries are making commendable efforts, others have room for improvement. Let's collectively promote responsible e-waste management to create a more sustainable digital future. #sustainableinvestment #sustainablefinance #sustainability #ewaste #recycling

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