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Bluestrike provides cutting-edge management advisory on aspects of strategic change and risks related to Responsible Investments (ESG, SRI):itle
Increasingly, investors are scrutinizing companies performance (ESG) with regards to good governance which requires significant adjustments and new strategies. Organizations face an unprecedented climate of uncertainty and instability that will increasingly alter their way to operate throughout the century. Drastic changes are required from multiple fronts to prepare and adapt accordingly.
Safety Risks
Aspects of corporate operations that have potential impacts on human safety (EHS)

Financial Risks
Reduction in Financial risks from:
- Operational efficiency: systems optimization solutions
- Investments (ESG)

Other Risks
Corporate strategies in the short, medium and long term in response to developing global geopolitical threats

Buestrike has developed frameworks and methodologies surrounding a robust three steps approach:
1) Identifying risks
2) Providing customized solutions
3) Delivering the change
We enable compliance to international standards:

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