Nickel is a metal which has growing interest through the
world due to its application in making batteries for the Electronic Vehicle industry as the World is looking for alternative sources of power apart from the traditional use of fuel in vehicles. There is an estimated amount of 94 million tons of Nickel reserves globally, out of which half of it is in Indonesia and Australia.
The Global Nickel Market is supposed to reach a valuation of approximate 59.14 billion dollars by 2028. The principal use of Nickel is to alloy it in making stainless steel and now the increasing use of Nickel in making batteries are the reasons why the Nickel market is going to boost worldwide.
From a sustainability perspective mining companies and investors should increase scrutiny and preventive measures to minimize the socio-environmental impacts of these activities which have proven to be very significant especially with regards to biodiversity resources and emissions associated - I addressed this issue in more details in an earlier post: